python の文字コードの扱いではまった

ちょっと文字列を BASE64エンコードしようとしたら UNICODE 関連ではまった。
BASE64 エンコードしようとしたら UNICODE 関連でエラー!?

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position x-y: ordinal not in range(128)



おかげでメールの件名を無事に BASE64 デコードできた。

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import base64

def decodeSubject(source, outputEncoding='utf_8'):
    result = ''
    for line in source.split('\n'):
        trimmed = line.strip()
        if trimmed.startswith('=?') and trimmed.endswith('?='):
            content = trimmed[2:-2]
            encodingName, b64Encoded = tuple(content.split('?B?'))
            binarySequence = base64.decodestring(b64Encoded)
            unicodeSequence = binarySequence.decode(encodingName.lower())
                result += unicodeSequence.encode(outputEncoding)
            except UnicodeError:
                raise UnicodeError, 'The source contains incompatible character(s) with the outputEncoding(' + outputEncoding + ').'
            result += line
    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Following UTF-8 subject contains Japanese and Korean, so it cannot convert to Japanese local encoding e.g. Shift_JIS.
    # subject = '=?UTF-8?B?5pmu6YCa44Gr5pel5pys6Kqe44Go44GL7ZWc6rWt7Ja044Go44GL?='
    # Following JIS subject contains Japanese, so it cannot convert to Korean local encoding e.g. EUC-KR.
    # subject = '  =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCJCIkJCQmJCgkKiMxIzIjMyM0IzUbKEo=?=  '
    # Following KS C 5601 subject contains Korean, so it cannot convert to Japanese local encoding e.g. Shift_JIS.
    subject = '=?iso-2022-kr?B?GyQpQ0lCTSBFUlAgT04gREVNQU5EDkEkOjgPIA4weEAvQEcPIA4wRw8oSUJNDkdRQSQ1NQ8p?='
    # decoded = decodeSubject(subject, outputEncoding='euc-jp')
    # decoded = decodeSubject(subject, outputEncoding='shift-jis')
    # decoded = decodeSubject(subject, outputEncoding='iso-2022-jp')
    # decoded = decodeSubject(subject, outputEncoding='cp932')
    decoded = decodeSubject(subject, outputEncoding='utf-8')
    print 'decoded:' + decoded + '(' + str(type(decoded)) + ''
    print 'result:<' + base64.encodestring(decoded).strip() + '>'
